Abbie Hibler on founding Little Readers
May 3, 2021
A mother based in Spain is offered a monthly book subscription from her children’s grandmother in the US. Offput by the shipping charges and red tape, she decides to start a company that offers the same benefits for kids in Europe. Amazingly, she launches the business while on lockdown in the early days of the pandemic.
It’s just so exciting to have a package delivered to your house. (Abbie, 12:58)
Abbie Hibler is the founder of Little Readers, a start-up book subscription company for children in Spain. Originally from Ohio, she has been involved in education and publishing for decades. She completed her Master’s degree at the Complutense university specializing in Bilingual Education, and formed part of the original evaluation team to improve Madrid’s first bilingual Public Schools. She has published a top-selling bilingual children’s book entitled Barcelona for Tiny Travelers and is currently working on the sequel.