British Luthier David Milward on Breaking Boundaries
After spending his childhood and young adulthood working with wood, a craftsman is ready for a challenge. When he sees an unvarnished instrument hanging in the window of the Welsh School of Violin Making, his course is set.
The viola really does express that passion of the human voice. (David, 24:21)
David Milward trained at the Welsh School of Violin Making. His work in restoration workshops allowed him to gain valuable insights into both instrument restoration and the work of important makers of the past. He continued to make instruments during this time and was soon asked to develop a viola model, leading to a career during which he has focused on the traditional viola form to suit the needs of today’s players. David’s instruments can be found in several of the world’s major orchestras and in the hands of many working musicians.
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Kelly Shepard on his Barbershop Beginnings
A boy in rural Indiana discovers the joy of singing in a barbershop quartet, and is launched into a life of music.
Most of my job as a music educator is to try to get students to overcome their fear. (Kelly, 41:14)
Kelly Shepard is a native of Richmond, Indiana. A music teacher and choir conductor for the past 30 years, he conducted the Los Angeles chapter of HaZamir, the International Jewish Teen Choir, for 10 years before moving to Brisbane, Australia in 2017. Currently, Kelly is a music teacher, coach and director of the Australian National Champion Chorus, Sound Connection. He is also an award-winning barbershop quartet singer, and performs with the current Australian National Champion Quartet, The Collective.
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Band Director Brian White on Musical Friendships
As a university student, a young trumpet major is told that if he wants to be a great band director, first he’ll have to become a great musician.
If you want to be a great band director, you have to be a great musician first. (Brian, 3:14)
Brian White is a twenty-four-year veteran in the music classroom, with the bulk of that experience coming from band directing positions in Saudi Arabia and Singapore. He recently moved to Milan, Italy and is enjoying his new role as the Director of Bands at the American School of Milan. His wife is also a teacher and it was her semester studying abroad in college that inspired the two to look abroad for teaching opportunities. Their son is a true 3rd culture kid having been born in Singapore and raised on three continents.
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