Diane Charney on the Wisdom of Letters

March 14, 2022

A lifetime of letter-writing inspires a retired French professor to compile her unsent correspondence to her favorite authors in the book Letters to Men of Letters.

Letter writing requires a lot of patience. (Diane, 24:18)


Diane Joy Charney is an expat whose blog, “In Love With France, At Home In Italy,” features her misadventures in the Italian countryside where the food and fresh air are way better than the roads. Diane taught French and writing at Yale for 33 years. Her new book, Letters to Men of Letters, considers how what you read can help you understand who you are. An enthusiastic musician, she enjoys playing in Yale student orchestras where she tries to hide behind the better players and NEVER play any unintended solos. Among her other passions are yoga, growing her own food, and tap dance.

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Diane Charney on the Wisdom of Letters
Letters Book Cover cropped copy